Finding Fitness Motivation is a lot like Dating


It seem as if everywhere we turn there is fitness motivation all around us. At first we jump on board and order P90X or the latest ‘kill you in 45 minutes’ at home workout. Or we get really serious and go join a local gym. We create a fitness Instagram where we post all our fit foods, new workout clothes, and for some silly reason lots of fitness fanatics like to take pictures of mirrors. I still haven’t figured that one out.
At first it’s like dating, new and exciting. It has our attention 100%, it’s all we talk about, think about, we live for it.

Then a few weeks, or maybe even months go by.

Now it’s not new, not as exciting, and sometimes we are just down right sick of it. That spark that made you fall in love, that lit your fire inside, that gave you drive and ambition, that motivated you, is now gone.

But wait! You can have that spark again. You can be motivated all over again!

I’m going to share some things I personally do to re motivate myself.

1. Find a Fit Buddy

Working out is always more fun with a partner. Having a fit buddy keeps you accountable and they are always there to give you an extra push when you need it.

2. Change of Scenery

Sometimes we get fish bowl syndrome. Getting out of our environment can make a difference in our attitude. If you workout indoors switch outside a few days a week.

3. Change Workouts

We can lose motivation if we’re doing the same things all the time. Switch your workouts. Try new things. If you don’t know what to do the Internet is a useful source. If you’re still confused you can hire a personal trainer to put you through a session or two.

4. Get New Gym Gear

This is probably my favorite haha! Who doesn’t get motivated or excited to show off or try our new gear out?! A new gym outfit can boost your confidence. Accessories can help improve lifts and workouts. Not to mention new clothes, shoes, straps, gloves and belts don’t have to set you back a ton of money. You can always find great deals.

5. Supplements

One reason people lose drive and motivation is because they lack energy.
If you are lacking energy a preworkout could help you tremendously. I remember the first time I took a preworkout  (half a scoop ProSupps Mr. Hyde) I felt like wonder woman! I finished my workout and went home and cleaned my house.

If a preworkout is too strong or you’re not wanting the caffeine. BCAA’s is a great option. There are several drink mixes that are wonderful to use during your workout. They help with not only energy but recovery as well. Win win if you ask me!

6. Switch Workout Time

If switching scenery isn’t an option. Changing up the time of day you workout can also help. You’ll be around new people and your body might like the change!

7. Take Progress Pictures

Motivation can be lost if you done see the changes you want. Especially on the scale. Taking weekly progress pictures. Keeps you accountable. It also gives you a third person view as to how you look. So you can see the changes you made from week to week. Sometimes the weight on your scale won’t change, but inches lost will show. I recommend taking full length, head to toe pictures. Use the same location and same lighting every time. Front, side, and back pictures are best.

8. Music, update your Playlist

I was lacking motivation and I switched my Playlist and added in some newer songs that pump me up. You want to pick songs that fire you up and get your adrenal flowing. Sometimes even if we like the song it isn’t one to listen to while working out.

9. Take an Instructed Class

This goes along with switching it up. Taking a class is a great way to get motivated. You have an instructor telling you and showing you what to do. As well as peers around you so you won’t want to be the class slacker, you’ll push yourself harder than normal.

10. Just do it! Get up and go!

All else fails, JUST DO IT!  As they say “the only bad workout is the workout that didn’t happen”. Even if you only have 10 minutes. It’s still something!

I hope these ideas help you rekindle your love for fitness and help you find motivation! Just like anything  you plan to do long-term you have to keep it exciting and fun. Once it becomes a chore it is no longer fun and we lose our motivation. We lose that spark.

Cody Lawyer
The Protein Princess

Comment below what your favorite motivation is. Share to motivate your friends!