How to finally achieve Fitness Success

Tired of starting over? Tired of quiting and feeling like you’ve failed? We’ve all been there and sometimes it takes several attempts to get it right.

I have been around the fitness block a few times and through trial and error figured out what works for me. I’ve accomplished fitness success and I have also failed miserable at it. I’m going to share some tips with you so you can be successful too!





If I wasn’t clear let me break it down for you. We all want to shed dozens of pounds and get the body of our dreams overnight… right?


I wish it were that easy, however here are some tips to help you succeed.

1. Be real with yourself.

If you didn’t put the weight on in a week you won’t lose it all in a week. As one of my clients said “I didn’t get this luscious overnight, I know it’ll take time”. Don’t expect a quick fix, it may take months. But it’ll be worth it!

2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

If you are new to the gym or even home workouts don’t commit to 7 days of working out. Most people get burnt out and quit after the first week. Schedule it! Just like any appointment plan it. Start with 3 days tops and work your way up. With as busy as I am I even I have to schedule my workouts!

3. A workout buddy can help.

If you lack motivation get a workout partner that is committed. If you have someone relying on you, especially to
hit the gym, you won’t want to be the slacker that cancels. But remember it is YOU that will get you results no one else.

4. Literally, don’t bite off more than you can (or can’t) chew!

Diet… the dreaded 4 letter word. Again BE REAL with yourself. Do not start something you cannot maintain more than a few weeks. Example: eating fish and green beans 6 meals a day. Yes you will lose weight fast BUT depriving your body physically and mentally will lead to binge eating and you’ll gain all the weight you lost back (plus more)!

5. Visualize your success.

Create a vision board with motivational quotes and pictures to keep you focused. I personally print out calendars and pencil in important dates. I am constantly uploading positive quotes and sayings. I know several people that print out fit bodies they wish to look like. I’m not against that but I personally don’t like to compare myself to others. Even though they inspire me I like to use my own pictures. To help me push myself to better MY best.

6. Have a trainer teach you proper use of the equipment and machines.

If you have the drive and motivation but are completely lost in the gym. Hire a trainer. It doesn’t have to be forever. It can be a few sessions so they can show you workouts and how to use the equipment. Knowledge is the key to success. You can also make a list of all your gyms equipment and look them up online. There are several sites that show animated movements.

Here’s a site I personally like. It has a great app you can download on your phone too.


7. A coach keeps you accountable.

Last but not least if you tried every other approach and are still struggling you can always hire a coach. A coach is different than a trainer. Typically trainers put you through your workouts and that’s it. You have to check in with coach via progress pictures, update on weight loss or gain. They give you nutrition guidance and workouts along with moral support to keep you going and motivated.

Happy Training!!

The Protein Princess
Cody Lawyer 💕

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