Testosterone– Why women need it too!

Some Surprising facts about testosterone and why it’s important for women too.


Testosterone – Why women need it too! Mike Mahoney Photography


There are a lot of mixed feelings out there about testosterone, many women hear the word and instantly think this hormone is something that only matters for men. Yes testosterone is a male hormone but women also produce it, and it plays an important role in puberty, sexual function and body system regulation. In women, the hormone is produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands and in fatty tissues. As women age, our bodies produce less of the hormone, which can lead to physical and behavioral changes. In fact, at menopause, women produce up to 50 percent less testosterone than they did at their peak production during their teens and early 20s.

After my figure competition in March 2013, I felt tired, worn down and very unmotivated to get back in the gym. I would literally be in the gym working out yawning feeling like I could fall asleep. I knew my hormones were out of whack because my skin was breaking out and my menstrual cycle was very irregular and frequent. My doctor suggested taking birth control pills to help “regulate” my cycles. Although I am not against birth control pills my body doesn’t agree with them. I always gain a lot of weight and seem to get every side effect listed on the package. So I decided to research different products that may help regulate my hormones without actually getting on hormone replacements or use of birth control. I found one called Halotropin made by ProSupps.

This product helps your body produce more testosterone while simultaneously unbinding and utilizing your existing free flowing testosterone, and it keeps estrogen in check at the same time. The end result is an explosion in libido, strength, energy, and muscle mass. Unleash your full potential in the gym (and in the bedroom)!

At first I was a little bit skeptical about the results it would give me, but I also knew things couldn’t get worse. I approached ProSupps athlete Diana Diaz about Halotropin, and asked her if it was right for women. This is what she said about it:

“Yes, women most definitely can use and benefit from a testosterone boosting product like Halotropin. There are lots of misleading and confusing information regarding testosterone boosters for women and it’s common for these products to be associated with men only. Truth is both men and women have estrogen and testosterone. We just have different levels of them. Our hormones change with age, levels of physical activities, stress, pregnancy, nutrition/diets, etc. It seems like everything can effect a change in our hormones!

The benefits for us, women, using a testosterone booster may and will be an increase in stamina, strength, energy, vitality, sex drive and libido. These products also decreases water retention/bloating and help balance our moods. Obviously every woman is built different and may experience different results but for the most part, my female clients that I have added testosterone boosters into their nutritional routine have definitely seen positive results. Results vary but you should see a difference in strength, muscle tightness, energy and less water retention/bloating within 10-12 days.”

After contacting Diana I decided to give this testosterone booster a try and saw amazing results in my first month! Here are the changes I saw:

1. Sleep, I was actually getting into a deep sleep and dreaming. As a sleep tech I learned how much of an impact getting enough or no sleep can have on your body. In a nutshell sleep is like a reset button for your body!

2. My skin cleared up, no more breakouts or cystic acne.

3. My menstrual cycle went from 8 days to 3 days and became regular not sporadic. Cramps and bloating were also greatly reduced.

4. I’d wake up energized and ready to take on the day instead of wanting to sleep all day.

5. Because my body has been able to recover due to better sleep, I am seeing a higher level of strength. Definite gains in the gym.

6. Bruising, I do not bruise as easily anymore.

Dietary zinc is a strong ingredient in testosterone boosting products like Halotropin. This ingredient is known as the most important mineral for naturally boosting your testosterone levels. You can also find zinc in red meats, chicken, salmon, peanuts, dried pumpkin seeds, cocoa, and sesame butter. Garlic also helps boost testosterone levels because it contains allicin, which promotes testosterone production.

*Testosterone boosters like Halotropin may not be for everyone, and individual results may vary. It took me a few weeks to the notice the full effects of it. Always consult your doctor or physician before you try anything new.

27 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump #4 Update! 
27 weeks pregnant! After my last Dr appointment I go every 2 weeks now!

Beginning weight: 118lbs
Current Weight: 126lbs

Gender: Boy!!! Baby is the size of a rutabega! His Rate last appointment was 142! 

Maternity Clothes? Nope not yet!

Sleep? Not so good. 

Linea Nigra? Nope not yet

Stretch Marks? Not any new just old ones.

Workouts? Honestly my workouts lately have been training clients and running my gym. I know it’s an excuse but I get “crampy” towards the end of the day and being high risk it’s not worth it. 

Diet? I’m still following IIFYM, with macros at 60-85g fats/ 400-450g carbs / 110-120g Protein / 35-50g Fiber …it’s almost become difficult to hit these daily due to my stomach shrinking or being smashed lol. NOTE: this isn’t normal for most pregnant women, I worked for months before I got pregnant to build up my metabolism.

Prenatal Pill
Vitamin E
ProSupps Liquid Aminos PSXXIII
ProSupps Karbolic 
ProSupps TC-F Isolate Protein


26 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump #4 Update! 
26 weeks pregnant!

Beginning weight: 118lbs
Current Weight: 125lbs

Gender: Boy!!! ♥♡♥

I’ve been feeling great lately. I think my body is getting use to no sleep. Baby boy is VERY active I love feeling his little kicks even at3 :00 am lol! I only wish I had a longer torso, being 5’1″ isn’t ideal for carrying a baby. 

Prenatal pills
Vitamin E
ProSupps Liquid Aminos PSXXIII
ProSupps Karbolic 
ProSupps TC-F Isolate Protein



25 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump #4 Update! 
25 weeks pregnant!

Beginning weight: 118lbs
Current Weight: 125lbs

Gender: Boy!!! ♥♡♥

Tired, tired oh and did I say tired? Other than being super exhausted because of night time insomnia I’m great! My hips have really been crack-a-lakin’ lately so I feel like an old lady lol! 

Prenatal pills
Vitamin E
ProSupps Liquid Aminos PSXXIII
ProSupps Karbolic 
ProSupps TC-F Isolate Protein


24 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump #4 Update! 
24 weeks pregnant!

Beginning weight: 118lbs
Current Weight: 125lbs

Gender: Boy!!! ♥♡♥

Doing great! Baby boy is growing at lightning speed and I feel him move all day long! My appetite has been decreasing a bit probably due to my stomach being smashed lol. AND on a very positive note my insomnia is getting a little better… now I wake up at 4am instead of 1am. That’s progress! My doctor did say this is very common with pregnant women he suggested taking Benadryl or Tylenol PM. 

I am slowly getting back into working out. I stopped Dec 17th because I was getting contractions afterwards. I have been doing light weight with 20-30 reps. And lots of bodyweight movements. So far so good! Also I make sure I have a gallon of water in before I even think of working out!! Even slight dehydration can cause contractions. 

Prenatal pills
Vitamin E
ProSupps Liquid Aminos PSXXIII
ProSupps Karbolic 
ProSupps TC-F Isolate Protein


22 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump Update! 
22 weeks pregnant!

Beginning weight: 118lbs (lost 10lbs due to morning sickness)
Current Weight: 119lbs

Gender: Boy!!! ♥♡♥

No change… same as last week 
Major insomnia ugg… I just want to sleep! Baby boy is very active and moves a lot, especially around 2am lol! 
I’ve been getting a lot of headaches lately. .. I notice it when my sugar is low. And could possibly be from lack of sleep! 

Prenatal pills
Vitamin E
ProSupps Liquid Aminos PSXXIII
ProSupps Karbolic 
ProSupps TC-F Isolate Protein



19 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Bump Update! 
19 weeks pregnant!

Beginning weight: 118lbs (lost 10lbs due to morning sickness)
Current Weight: 117lbs

Gender: Boy!!! ♥♡♥

Baby’s  rate: 135

Symptoms: just had a doctor’s appointment today and I got the ok to continue working out. He said very minimal lifting and nothing too straining. So after taking 2 weeks off from anything it’ll be nice to get back in the grove.

I have been experiencing dizziness, blurred vision,and I get light headed. My blood pressure is perfect so he said I’m probably hypoglycemic. And I should probably increase my food (sugar) intake. Yayyy I love food hahaha!
